Tuesday, 9 June 2015

DPMM - Programmes for Prizes!

Who are these boys?  What are the teacher's giving them?  Why?  Would you like one of these?  Who are DPMM? Have you ever been to one of their games?  What happened there?  Write a comment to tell us about it!

Run, run as fast as you can... you can't catch me!

 Run, run as fast as you can!  You can't catch me, I am the Gingerbread man!

What is happening in these photos?  When did it happen?  Where?  Who made the biscuits?  Why did we taste them?  What did they taste like?  Did you like them?

SRTJ Aerobics!

What is happening in this video? When do we do this?  Where? Who is doing it?  Who is on the stage and who is on the court?  Why do we do it?

So where did we go..?

Can you guess where these places are?

Sunday, 7 June 2015

What a busy weekend!

Hi everyone!
Wow, what a busy weekend our family has had.  My brother came all the way from New Zealand to visit us in Brunei!  We took him to our favourite places in Bandar Seri Begawan. 
Where do you think we went to?  What is your favourite place in Brunei and why?
Happy writing!
Mrs Gabby


Tuesday, 2 June 2015

The Minister of Education!

This term we have been very lucky at Sekolah Rendah Tanah Jambu.  We had the Minister of Education visit our school.  

Look at the photos and write a story about what you remember about his visit to our wonderful school.  Did you get a chance to talk to the minister?  Were you nervous when he visited your classroom?  I was very nervous to teach in front of so many important people!