Wednesday 27 May 2015


First, then, next, finally.

This week in Year 2 we have used the structure first, then, next and finally.  We used this structure to write about Amri's day in Tutong.

What are you going to do on Monday?  You have the day off school.  

First I am going to have a yummy breakfast, then I am going to go to the beach.  Next I will play football with my children and finally I will go swimming.

Write about what you are going to do (or would like to do!) on Monday using first, next, then and finally.

1 comment:

  1. On Monday I would like to have pancakes for breakfast first and then I want to go for a swim. Next I would like to go shopping and finally I would like to have an ice cream.

    What do you want to do on Monday? Do you think my Monday will be fun?
    Mrs Gabby
